SOS Malta News Feed SOS Malta News Feed Description 28/09/2024 09:30:35 PRESS RELEASE - NGOs INQUIRY REPORT 18/03/2014 181 PRESS RELEASE - NGOs INQUIRY REPORT Press Release Lampedusa Tragedy 04/10/2013 180 Press Release Lampedusa Tragedy ‘PRESERVATION OF LIFE SHOULD BE THE TOP-MOST PRIORITY JOINT NGO STATEMENT ON THE SITUATION OF THE MV SALAMIS "We strongly urge Italy and Malta to ensure that all decisions involving the fate of the migrants aboard the MV Salamis give top-most priority to the preservation of their lives. Whilst legal and political sensitivities are of course central to the determination of responsibilities and obligations, these should not override or ignore the need to ensure the safety of all rescued persons and of the rescuing crew." 05/08/2013 179 ‘PRESERVATION OF LIFE SHOULD BE THE TOP-MOST PRIORITY Press Release 11th July 2013 PRESS RELEASE The NGOs that turned to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to stop the deportation of Somali migrants to Libya are fully committed to working with the government to seek further support from the European Union and to engage in strategic dialogue on the treatment of migrants in Malta. We commend the government’s decision to commit to respect the ruling of the ECHR and to refrain from deporting the migrants who arrived on 9 July. We understand the pressure created by the arrival of irregular migrants and fully support the government’s calls for greater solidarity among member states of the EU and increased understanding of Malta’s particular situation. But resorting to unlawful and harmful means and using innocent people as pawns for a political end is unacceptable. We will do our utmost to support the government’s efforts to secure greater support from the EU through political means but not if it is at the expense of people’s lives and safety. Referring to countries such as Libya as part of the solution to the problem of irregular migration is at best premature. Libya is still struggling to recover from decades of authoritarian rule and build a democratic state in a context of instability and lawlessness. It is positive that Libya has shown willingness to sign up to international conventions but that alone certainly does not guarantee full and effective respect for human rights. We call upon the government to refrain from entering into agreements with Libya about the readmission of migrants until the country is in a position to guarantee their rights effectively. We also urge the government to make the terms of such agreement public so that it may be subject to democratic scrutiny. We also urge the President of the European Council, Mr Herman Van Rumpoy, who is visiting Malta today, to work to ensure that the Member States of the EU put solidarity into practice by providing effective support for Member States facing particular pressures, such as Malta, to fulfil their obligations to provide protection to all who need it. Date: 11th July 2013 aditus foundation, Jesuit Refugee Service (Malta), Migrant’s Network for Equality, SOS Malta, Malta Emigrants’ Commission, KOPIN, Integra Foundation, Foundation for Shelter and Support of Migrants, Organisation for Friendship in Diversity, People for Change Foundation 11/07/2013 178 Dancing together to the beat of the African drum UNHCR Website - 11 April 2013 (Youth Upbeat project) 11/04/2013 177 Il-Professur Wain jittama f'bidla fil-mentalità iNews Malta - 9 April 2013 (EEA Norway Grants NGO Programme 10/04/2013 176 Workshops plan to combat island’s ‘fear of black people’ The Sunday Times - 10 March 2013 (Youth Upbeat) 10/03/2013 175 Proġett edukattiv dwar kultura differenti minn ta' pajjiżna (Youth Upbeat) 21/01/2013 170 1000 youth's use Villa Psaigon activity centre (Youth Upbeat) 21/01/2013 171 Kunċert “Unità fid-Diversità” L-Orizzont - (SameDifference) 26/11/2012 169 New mental health law crucial, we cannot keep on shelving it The Times of Malta - 31 October 2012 (Informal Carers and Volunteering) 31/10/2012 165 Il-volontarjat iwassal għal titjib fil-kwalita tal-ħajja - 30 October 2012 (Informal Carers and Volunteering) 30/10/2012 166 DISKORS MILL-MINISTRU GĦAS-SAĦĦA, L-ANZJANI U KURA FIL-KOMUNITÀ, L-ONOR. JOE CASSAR gov.met - 30 October 2012 (Informal Carers and Volunteering) 30/10/2012 167 Survey of the elderly, carers, launched - 11 August 2012 (Informal Carers and Volunteering) 11/08/2012 168 Lessons in multiculturalism The Times of Malta -26 June 2012 (Media InterAct) 26/06/2012 163 Effective integration The Times of Malta - 19 June 2012 (Media InterAct) 19/06/2012 164 Don’t shoot the messenger The Times of Malta - 28 May 2012 (Media InterAct) 28/05/2012 162 From Moldova... with love! The Times of Malta Online - 4 May 2012 (Media InterAct) 04/05/2012 00:05:00 161 Finding a balance The Times of Malta Online - 4 May 2012 (Media InterAct) 04/05/2012 160 Sisters in arms The Times of Malta Online - 2 May 2012 (Media InterAct) 02/05/2012 00:10:00 158 A full course The Times of Malta Online - 2 May 2012 (Media InterAct) 02/05/2012 159 It’s all about determination The Times of Malta Online - 27 April 2012 (Media InterAct) 27/04/2012 157 After the revolution The Times of Malta Online - 25 April 2012 (Media InterAct) 25/04/2012 156 A caring mission The Times of Malta Online - 24 April 2012 (Media InterAct) 24/04/2012 155 Bridging cultures The Times of Malta Online - 22 April 2012 (Media InterAct) 22/04/2012 154 A recipe for integration The Times of Malta Online - 21 April 2012 (Media InterAct) 21/04/2012 00:02:00 153 A song of praise The Times of Malta Online - 21 April 2012 (Media InterAct) 21/04/2012 152 The right ingredients The Times of Malta Online - 20 April 2012 (Media InterAct) 20/04/2012 151 Love notes from a small island The Times Online - 19 April 2012 (Media InterAct) 19/04/2012 00:01:00 150 Integrating in Malta - Keeping the faith The Times of Malta Online - 19 April 2012 (Media InterAct) 19/04/2012 149 Volunteering is key for the social and economic fabric of Maltese society SOS Malta Press Release 29th March 2012 29/03/2012 146 A Walk for Water Times of Malta - 22nd March 2012 29/03/2012 147 Malta Joins the World in Walking for Water- Will You Take Part? Josanne Cassar 21st March 2012 22/03/2012 145 Access to water and sanitation key to gender equality – SOS Malta Malta Today - 8 March 2012 08/03/2012 139 The Art of Volunteering Times of Malta - 13th February 2012 (Raising Sprits) 13/02/2012 141 Same Difference Taster Times of Malta - 12th February 2012 (Same Difference) 12/02/2012 12:00:00 140 Same Difference Taster Action plan for volunteering Times of Malta - January 29th 2012 (Raising Spirits) 29/01/2012 143 Let live music raise our spirits – hospital patients Times of Malta - 26th January 2012 (Raising Spirits) 26/01/2012 142 28 organisations benefit from Maltese overseas development aid The Times of Malta - 24 January 2012 25/01/2012 138 Volunteers' initiative raising spirits at Mater Dei Times of Malta - 24th January 2012 (Raising Spirits) 24/01/2012 144 Odds and ends The Sunday Times - 1 January 2012 (Media InterAct) 01/01/2012 137 Bid to encourage coverage of migrants’ stories The Sunday Times - 18 December 2011 (Media InterAct) 18/12/2011 135 Media's crucial role towards cultural integration and diversity Malta Today - 17 December 2011 (Media InterAct) 17/12/2011 136 Going bananas for a taste of Africa The Times of Malta - 6 December 2011 (Same Difference) 06/12/2011 118 Migrants serve a taste of their culinary culture The Times of Malta - 5 December 2011 (Same Difference) 05/12/2011 119 SOS Malta SameDifference Project at Auberge de Castille The Malta Independent - 4 October 2011 (SameDifference) 04/12/2011 134 Brightening up Maltese healthcare The Sunday Times - 27 November 2011 (Raising Spirits) 27/11/2011 123 Raising spirits at Mater Dei Hospital - 20 November 2011 (Raising Spirits) 20/11/2011 132 Maltese NGOs to help African countries combat climate change The Times of Malta - 17 November 2011 17/11/2011 128 We must help employees find time to volunteer The Times of Malta - 12 November 2011 (EPSEV) 12/11/2011 129 Volunteering conference The Sunday Times - 6 November 2011 (EPSEV) 06/11/2011 126 Inspiring creativity at Mater Dei: Raising Spirits Website launched - 5 November 2011 (Raising Spirits) 05/11/2011 122 Art and health care: raising spirits - 30 October 2011 (Raising Spirits) 30/10/2011 120 Conference on employee supported volunteering The Malta Business Weekly - 13 October 2011 (EPSEV) 13/10/2011 125 Raising spirits at the hospital The Sunday Times - 2 October 2011 (Raising Spirits) 02/10/2011 121 Raising patients' spirits The Malta Independent on Sunday - 25 September 2011 (Raising Spirits) 25/09/2011 117 SOS Malta is helping school children to carry books not jerrycans! - 19 September 2011 (Malta Walks for Water) 19/09/2011 116 Water for Uganda The Times of Malta - 18 September 2011 (Malta Walks for Water) 18/09/2011 114 SOS Malta is helping school children to carry books not jerrycans The Malta Independent - 18 September 2011 (Malta Walks for Water) 18/09/2011 115 SOS Malta is Helping School Children to Carry Books NOT JERRYCANS! Press release 15 September 2011. 15/09/2011 111 SOS Malta bringing water to Uganda primary schools The Times of Malta - 15 September 2011 (Malta Walks for Water) 15/09/2011 112 SOS Malta f'hidma umanitarja fl-Uganda - 15 September 2011 (Malta Walks for Water) 15/09/2011 113 Immigration and that ‘dirty word’ integration The Times of Malta - 29 August 2011 (Same Difference) 29/08/2011 108 Speak to me dot com The Times of Malta - 29 August 2011 ( 29/08/2011 109 NEW MALTA JOURNALISM AWARDS CATEGORY Malta Press Club - 24 August 2011 (Media InterAct) 24/08/2011 110 Malta's overseas development aid The Malta Independent - 14 August 2011 14/08/2011 105 Why we need integration The Malta Independent on Sunday - 14 August 2011 (Same Difference) 14/08/2011 106 Maltese people, immigrants don’t mix, studies have shown The Times of Malta - 11 August 2011 (Same Difference) 11/08/2011 102 Migration: Integration is not happening The Malta Independent - 11 August 2011 (Same Difference) 11/08/2011 103 Cultures: Integration starts locally The Malta Independent - 11 August 2011 (Same Difference) 11/08/2011 104 Studies confirm how integration between the Maltese and migrants is not happening The Times of Malta - 10 August 2011 (Same Difference) 10/08/2011 101 Riċerka dwar l-immigrazzjoni rregolari u l-gżejjer Maltin - 10 August 2011 (Same Difference) 10/08/2011 107 Raising Spirits - local flagship project for the European Year of Volunteering - 27 July 2011 (Raising Spirits) 27/07/2011 124 Raising spirits project launched The Sunday Times - 10 July 2011 (Raising Spirits) 10/07/2011 98 Promoting artistic volunteering within healthcare The Malta Independent on Sunday - 10 July 2011 (Raising Spirits) 10/07/2011 100 'Raising Spirits' - flagship project launched The Malta Business Weekly - 7 July 2011 (Raising Spirits) 07/07/2011 99 Raising the Spirits - 5 July 2011 (Raising Spirits) 05/07/2011 131 SOS Malta holds fundraising events The Sunday Times - 19 June 2011 (Malta Walks for Water) 19/06/2011 127 Malta donates EUR245,000 for projects in third world countries The Times of Malta - 16 June 2011 16/06/2011 130 Corporate Volunteering The Sunday Times - 29 May 2011 (EPSEV) 29/05/2011 96 MEUSAC News - SOS Malta MEUSAC News - 21 May 2011 (EPSEV) 21/05/2011 95 Sitt organizzazzjonijiet mhux governattivi (NGOs) oħra megħjuna bil-Fond ta’ Ko-Finanzjament għall-N Department of Information - 18 April 2011 (EPSEV) 18/04/2011 94 Statement to the Press ARTICLES (Libya Crisis): Times of Malta - 8 April 2011; - 8 April 2011; MaltaToday - 8 April 2011; Times of Malta - 9 April 2011; Malta Independent - 9 April 2011. 08/04/2011 93 Aid shipment reaches Misrata ARTICLE Malta Independent - 2 April 2011 (Libya Crisis) 02/04/2011 91 Aid from Malta reaches Libya's besieged Misurata ARTICLE Times of Malta - 1 April 2011 (Libya Crisis) 01/04/2011 89 Malta protects Libyan civilians ARTICLE Times of Malta - 1 April 2011 (Libya Crisis) 01/04/2011 90 Humanitarian Ship of Zakat Foundation of America Arrived to Besieged City of Misrata, Libya ARTICLE - 31 March 2011 (Libya Crisis) 31/03/2011 92 Kampanja ta' gbir virtwali ghal SOS Malta ARTICLE l-orizzont (Malta Walks for Water) 29/03/2011 88 Malta walks for Water ARTICLE Times of Malta - 27 March 2011 (Malta Walks for Water) 28/03/2011 83 SOS Malta shipment on way to Libya ARTICLE Times of Malta - 25 March (Libya Crisis) 25/03/2011 82 SOS Malta calls for more donations to help Libya ARTICLE - 25 March 2011 (Libya Crisis) 25/03/2011 85 Malta's water resources very scarce and 'under severe stress' ARTICLE Times of Malta - 23 March 2011 (Malta Walks for Water) 23/03/2011 87 SOS Malta volunteers for border ARTICLE Times of Malta - 21 March 2011 (Libya Crisis) 21/03/2011 79 SOS Malta emergency team heads to Libyan border ARTICLE The Malta Independent - 21 March 2011 (Libya Crisis) 21/03/2011 80 Malta 'walks for water' on World Water Day ARTICLE Malta Today - 21 March 2011 (Malta Walks for Water) 21/03/2011 81 SOS Malta participates in 'Save Women's Lives' Campaign ARTICLE Malta Today - 8 March 2011 08/03/2011 76 International Women's Day - March 8 ARTICLE - 8 March 2011 (Save Women's Lives) 08/03/2011 77 SWL MDG5 - INTERNATIONAL WOMAN'S DAY 2011-Ensuring women's and girls' health is a human right 07/03/2011 73 Donations for hygiene kits ARTICLE Times of Malta - 6 March 2011 (Libya Crisis) 06/03/2011 78 SOS Malta - emergency appeal Libya ARTICLE - 1 March 2011 (Libya Crisis) 01/03/2011 84 Appeals for donations over Libya Crisis ARTICLE - 1 March 2011 (Libya Crisis) 01/03/2011 86 The Prime Minister, the Hon. Lawrence Gonzi, presents certificates to Volserv volunteers PRESS PHOTOS Department of Information - 23 December 2010 23/12/2010 72 More 'must be done' in fight against HIV ARTICLE Times of Malta - 1 December 2010 (Save Women's Lives MDG5: World Aids Day Nov 2010) 01/12/2010 71 SOS Malta calls for 'breaking the silence' on violence against women ARTICLE The Times of Malta - 27 November 2010 (Save Women's Lives MDG5 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) 27/11/2010 69 Government, NGOs mark international day against domestic violence Malta Today - 25 November 2010 (Save Women's Lives MDG5: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) 25/11/2010 68 International day for the elimination of violence against women ARTICLE 25 November 2010 (Save Women's Lives MGD5) 25/11/2010 70 'Lack of consultation' on poverty reduction ARTICLE Times of Malta - 19 October 2010 19/10/2010 75 Water Project ARTICLE Times of Malta - 21 September 2010 21/09/2010 62 The Changing Face of Charity ARTICLE MaltaToday - 6 September 2010 06/09/2010 64 The poor will always be here.. but some aid will help ARTICLE Times of Malta - 1 September 2010 01/09/2010 63 16 Organisations Receive Funds for Overseas Development Projects ARTICLE Times of Malta Online - 22 June 2010 22/06/2010 61 Beneficiaries to receive €250,000 in overseas developing aid for Asia, Africa ARTICLE MaltaToday - 22 June 2010 22/06/2010 65 Capacity Building Workshop in Malta ARTICLE Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 11 June 2010 11/06/2010 74 Statement by The Hon. Dr. Tonio Borg at opening of MFA training workshop Statement by The Hon. Dr. Tonio Borg, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the opening of the training Workshop co-organised with the European Commission on `Capacity Building Schemes` - Valletta – 9th June 2010 Article DOI - 9th June 2010 ARTICLE DOI - 9th June 2010 09/06/2010 17:00:00 60 SWL-MDG5 - Artists Focus on Maternal Challenges - The Times of Malta, Friday, 7th May 2010 A group of 30 artists pooled their talents to draw attention to challenges faced by mothers in Malta and around the world. 12/05/2010 58 SWL-MDG5 - The Choices Mothers Make - The Sunday Times, 9th May 2010 Mothers Night is held on the eve of Mothers Day to put a spotlight on maternal health worldwide. Ariadne Massa went to South Africa to witness first-hand the Save Womens Lives project, co-steered by SOS Malta. 12/05/2010 59 SWL-MDG5 - SAVE WOMEN'S LIVES INFORMATION KIT 2009 Millennium development Goal 5 (flyer) & Teenage Pregnancy (flyer) 28/04/2010 54 SWL-MDG5 - SAVE WOMEN'S LIVES INFORMATION KIT 2010 Adolescents (flyer) and MDG 5 is achievable (flyer) 28/04/2010 55 The White House gets a free makeover–African-style…The Times of Malta-April 23, 2010 Graphic Account - Photo montage: Saddington & Baynes for WaterAid and End Water Poverty. ~ 23/04/2010 53 SWL-MDG5 - WORLD HEALTH DAY - 7TH APRIL 2010 PRESS RELEASE 07/04/2010 52 MEDIP Conference about Communicating Poverty ARTICLE The Sunday Times, Malta - 4th April 2010 04/04/2010 04:00:00 56 MEDIP - The Bigger Picture: Getting the Message Across ARTICLE Manic Magazine - 4th April 2010 04/04/2010 57 SWL-MDG 5 – IMPROVE MATERNAL HEALTH - International Women’s Day – 8th March 2010 PRESS RELEASE 08/03/2010 51 SOS Malta - Haiti Earthquake: SOS Malta's Emergency Appeal - Times of Malta - 13/01/2010 13/01/2010 49 SOS Malta - Haiti Earthquake: SOS Malta's Emergency Appeal 13/01/2010 50 VOLSERV - VolServ Certificate Ceremony 2009 - DOI - 16.12.2009 VolServ Certificate Presentation Ceremony press release 16/12/09 17/12/2009 44 World Aids Day 2009 02/12/2009 41 MEDIP Transnational Photographic Exhibition in Brussels - The Malta Independent Online 26/11/2009 27/11/2009 40 Malta's Permanent Representative to the EU inaugurates MEDIP... - DOI Malta 26/11/2009 Malta's Permanent Representative to the EU inaugurates MEDIP transnational photographic exhibition in Brussels 26/11/2009 39 Poverty Campaign in Sliema - Times of Malta 17/10/2009 Poverty Campaign by SOS Malta 18/10/2009 38 SOS Malta - When I Grow up - Times of Malta 24/08/09 25/08/2009 48 SOS Malta - Beads of Hope - Times of Malta 25/06/09 26/06/2009 47 SOS Malta - A Town Called Dirt - Times of Malta 16/06/09 17/06/2009 46 Rejected Girls and their Unwanted Babies - Times of Malta 15/06/09 16/06/2009 45 When the Source of Life Dries Up - Times of Malta 13/06/09 Article by Darrin Zammit Lupi 14/06/2009 37 MEDIP Photo Competition SOS Malta invites photographers and photo journalists to participate in a national Photo Competition entitled ‘Engaging Photographers in Development and the Fight against Poverty’ (closing date: 1st September 2009) 13/06/2009 36 Incident in Paceville SOS Malta deplores the incident in Paceville which led to the death of Suleiman Abub 11/06/2009 35 SWL-MDG 5 - International Women's Day, 8 March, 2009 Maternal Wellbeing No Woman Should Die Giving Life 05/06/2009 34 Press release - info MDG 5 -  R.R/S.V. 23/05/2009 33 SOS Malta Award for Volunteering - 2008 To recognise the important work carried out by volunteers in all spheres of Maltese society, SOS Malta is privileged to announce the official launch of the SOS Malta Award for Volunteering on Friday, September 19, 2008. Dame Lilian Miceli Farrugia, renowned for her life-long dedication to volunteerism, is the patron of this prestigious award. 22/08/2008 16:00:00 4 DAR (EU Return Programme) Return is a multi-faceted field calling for the establishment of an effective and comprehensive return policy, the development of efficient return procedures, taking into account the requirement both for voluntary and forced return. A crucial aspect is to ensure the sustainability of activities in the field.

Concrete measures to address return encompass co-operation and information exchange between: the competent EU Member States&#59; EU Member States and officials in the country of return and between all national authorities involved in the return procedure. As regards migrants that are subject to return measures, targeted support in form of assisted return and reintegration programmes needs to be in place. 18/01/2008 5 Joint Efforts to eradicate poverty - MDG Debate In 2000, 189 nations signed the UN Millennium Declaration, which led.... 26/09/2007 6 Healing Hands Matara Mrs Kumari Kulatunga the Director/Co-ordinator of Healing Hands Matara in Sri Lanka has sent their April Newsletter. This includes news of her training programme trip to India where she learnt about Rain Water..... 25/04/2007 7 Viaggio della Speranza 2007 Opera Don Bonifacio Azione Verde is a non-profit, voluntary organization of humanitarian actions..... 30/03/2007 8 DAWL – Energy, Employment, Empowerment SOS Malta, in partnership with Paolo Friere Institute, Friends of the Earth (Malta), Mosta Local Council and the Ministry of Rural Affairs and the Environment.... 27/02/2007 9 INTI National Meeting Summary The Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Michael Frendo opened the meeting by expressing his support for the meeting of cultures and .... 19/02/2007 10 INTI National Meeting Programme The INTI National Meeting is part of an INTI funded project ‘EUNET Integration Network’.  INTI is a European Union (EU) funding programme.... 25/01/2007 11 Angels Children's Home Monica Tonna-Barthet, a lay missionary worker in Ethiopia, wrote to us to request assistance with ..... 24/10/2006 12 Stand Up The Millennium Campaign once again urges all peoples from around the world to voice their support of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to STAND UP against poverty … 17/10/2006 13 SOS Malta's Operations in Sri Lanka SOS Malta's Operations in Sri Lanka The tsunami killed 35,322 people, displaced 1,000,000 persons and affected over two thirds of the island’s coastline and ..... 11/10/2006 14 ME Emergency - Help a Woman TODAY SOS Malta urges the International Community to help end the violence escalating..... 28/07/2006 15 Middle East Crisis - SOS Malta appeal SOS Malta appeals to the Maltese to help innocent people caught up in the escalating violence in Lebanon, Gaza and Israel.... 25/07/2006 16 1 Year after Tsunami - SOS Malta Report From January 2005 SOS Malta has been on the ground in Sri Lanka implementing.... 19/12/2005 17 CPF O5 workshop on reproductive health - presentations and statement SOS Malta held a workshop during the Commonwealth People's Forum 2005 on Monday 21 November at 11.30 am in the Girolomo Cassar Hall at the Meditterranean Conference Centre, Valletta.

The powerpoint presentations presented during the workshop can be download by clicking on the names of the speakers... 22/11/2005 18 Asia Appeal : Donate now and make a difference  Donate NOW and make a difference.

Your money can help buy:

Blankets and Winterised Tents to protect survivors from the cold weather.... 14/10/2005 19 Asia Earthquake Emergency SOS Malta launches Appeal to help the people affected by the Earthquake in Asia. SOS Malta today launches an emergency appeal.... 10/10/2005 20 Hurricane Katrina Malta Red Cross, Maltese American Association and SOS Malta join in appealing to the generosity of all the Maltese in support.... 06/09/2005 21 St Mary’s Convent School Improvement Matara Sri Lanka SOS Malta together with an expert team from the Society of the Sacred Heart in India worked with the principal and staff of St Mary’s Convent School, Matara.... 05/05/2005 22 SOS Malta assists in Sri Lanka school rebuilding SOS Malta has donated $8,000 to St Mary's Convent in Matara, Sri Lanka which was damaged by the Boxing Day tsunami..... 11/02/2005 23 SOS Malta delivers first boat to Denuwela fishermen. Over 75% of fisher-folk have been affected by Tsunami Sri Lankan fisheries industry which contributes nearly 2.5% to the country's national income and 65% - 70% of the annual protein intake of.... 09/02/2005 24 St Mary’s Convent, Beach Road, Matara, Sri Lanka On December 26 2004 St Mary’s Convent in Matara, Sri Lanka was devastated by the tsunami that destroyed much of the island’s coastline. Of the 2,500 children attending.... 08/02/2005 25 The SOS Malta Medical and Nursing team on a mission to Sri Lanka The SOS Malta team which was operating a clinic in Matara, on the south coast of Sri Lanka including.... 02/02/2005 26 SOS Malta clinic up and running  Multi-coloured sarees billow in the wind as they hang over the doors and windows of a classroom on the ground floor of the Immaculate Conception school. It lends a touch of colour to a scene dominated by grey mud.... 17/01/2005 27 SOS Malta in Sri Lanka Meeting with the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka at the Prime Minister’s office in Colombo. SOS Humanitarian Mission to Sri Lanka paid a courtesy visit to the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, accompanied by Fr. Neil and Mr Lalin Fernando. SOS Malta explained their mission to Sri Lanka and highlighted the aid.... 11/01/2005 28 Mission to Sri Lanka SOS Malta has responded to the Tsunami disaster by sending a Medical team to Sri Lanka composed of 3 medical doctors and a nurse. Head of the mission will be Mr David Grech SRN and will include Drs. Rachel Attard, David Paul Galea and..... 07/01/2005 29 Asia Emergency Mission Give a contribution to support a Maltese voluntary professional medical and nursing team providing services to the ‘Tsunami’ victims of Sri Lanka.... 10/12/2004 30 Tsunami Disaster 10/12/2004 SOS Malta appeals for the following urgent medical supplies to take up with them to Sri Lanka. 10/12/2004 31