Welcome to SOS Malta



If you are involved in managing an NGO or are thinking about setting one up this is the course for you! It will show you how to increase your organisation's capacity, improve your social impact, achieve your goals and be sustainable over time.

The course is free of charge and can be followed online at your own pace.

Register here: https://forms.gle/yCoAkMNuzbanLPQG6




This report provides a background research into restorative practices, as the first element within the  TReP – Professional Training in Restorative Practices Erasmus project.

The overalL TReP objective is to create a course that will be conducted entirely online in restorative practice for a Level 5 Undergraduate Certificate and recognized throughout Europe via the Bologna Process. The aim of the course is to train the relevant professional in the theory and the use of restorative practices. More information about the project you can find here.







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