Training & Capacity Building

Training and Capacity Building


SOS Malta has organised various training courses since 2004. Most of these courses were targeted at persons working or volunteering in NGOs and civil society organisations.

Until 2008, these courses were offered within the scope of the Malta Resource Centre for NGOs and Civil Society Organisations (2004-2008) which SOS Malta was managing. 

Recent courses included:

1. Capacity Building through Volunteering - Training for Health NGOS and Not-for-Profit Organizations

(Contact person: Ms. Nicola Critien, Volunteering Project Manager)


SOS Malta, through its' Malta Resource Centre (MRC), held a training seminar for health NGO's on Tuesday 13th November 2007 between 9am and 2pm entitled ‘Understanding the development of Health Directives and National Action Plans (NAPs)'


Part 1 - Explaining Procedures linked to European Health Directives
Speaker: Dr. N. Azzopardi Muscat

Part 2 - Explaining Procedures linked to NAPs
Speaker: Dr. M. Dalmas

Part 3 - Role of NGOs vis-a-vis lobbying in order to influence NAPs
Speaker: Ms. Caroline Bollars, European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) representative.


Dr. Yvonne McKenna, Chief Executive Officer of Volunteer Centres Ireland was invited by SOS Malta's Malta Resource Centre in her capacity as an expert on Volunteer Management training. MRC held a capacity building workshop with Ms. McKenna to all health NGOs entitled: ‘Capacity Building through Volunteering' on Thursday 30th October 2008 between 9am and 3pm


09.00 Part 1 - An Introduction to Capacity Building through Volunteering

* Introduction
* Involving Volunteers in Health NGOs
* The Volunteer Management Cycle
* Building Capacity - first steps
* Feedback Session

12.00 Coffee Break

12.30 Part 2 - Recap of Volunteer Management Designing a Volunteering Policy

* Return to Volunteer Cycle
* Developing Roles to Build Capacity
* Developing A Volunteer Policy

15.00 End
Facilitated by: Dr. Yvonne McKenna, Chief Executive Officer of Volunteer Centres Ireland

2. The Structural Funds Training and Technical Assistance Programme for NGOs and Civil Society Organisations 2007


Structural Funds for Malta 2004-2006 (European Social Fund)


SOS Malta


April 2007 - March 2008

As of the 24th of April 2007, the Malta Resource Centre at SOS Malta coordinated and implemented a project, entitled ‘The Structural Funds Training and Technical Assistance Programme for NGOs and Civil Society Organisations 2007'. It is a sub-project which has been implemented within the scope of the overall ESF Technical Assistance project under the Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006.

The programme was part-financed by the European Union: European Social Fund Co-financing rate 75% and a grant, which SOS Malta received through the Civil Society Fund 2007, was used to finance the remaining 25%. The objectives of the Structural Funds Training and Technical Assistance Programme for NGOs and Civil Society Organisations 2007 were twofold:

  • To inform, train  and equip NGOs in Malta to plan, access and manage and/or be partners in EU structural funds projects;
  • To facilitate partnership among NGOs, and NGO partnership with other civil society organisations and local councils in relation to structural funds projects.

Activities included the organisation of an information seminar on structural funds (ESF) for NGOs, civil society organisations, and local councils. The information seminar, which was held on the 26th of June 2007, provided information about Malta's Operational Programme II for 2007-2013 and the type of projects which would be eligible under the European Social Fund.

The main component of the project consisted of a 50-hour training programme, for 25 representatives, of NGOs, social partners, and local councils. The aim of these workshops was to provide hands-on, practical training vis-à-vis various technical aspects concerning the application for and implementation of Structural Funds projects (in particular those under ESF).

Representatives of various NGOs attending one of the training workshops on Structural Funds

Representatives of various NGOs attending one of the training workshops on Structural Funds

3. Empowering NGOs for the EU Challenge

SOS Malta, together with EuroMed Connect, organised a training workshop entitled "Empowering NGOs for the EU Challenge" which was intended to provide a practical understanding of how the European Union operates. It was designed to provide NGOs with a working knowledge of the European Union and help them understand how the whole project of European integration started five decades ago, the institutions that make up the EU and how the EU operates.

The training workshop aimed at assisting NGOs in reaching a deeper understanding on the opportunities that exist for them within the EU, and to acquiring creative tools on how to benefit from these opportunities. The training workshop was designed in such a way as to require the active participation of participants and practical examples will also be used extensively throughout the workshop. 

Contents of Training Workshop
1. Overview of the EU 'project'
2. Institutions of the EU
3. Rationale of EU institutions and EU policies
4. How can NGOs influence the EU's decision making process
5. EU Funding opportunities for NGOs
6. Participation of NGOs in EU funding programmes (advantages and disadvantages)
7. Creative thinking tools - Success elements to translate a concept/idea into tangible results
8. How can Euro-Med Connect Coop Ltd help you in achieving success from EU funding.

The training workshop was divided into two sessions of three hours each. The first session was held on Tuesday, 23rd of September 2008 and the second workshop was held on Tuesday, 30th of September 2008.